Why A Ton Of Money Being Poured Into Your Band Means Nothing – Hank and Cupcakes

This weeks interview is with Hank and Cupcakes.
Sagit Shir and Ariel Scherbacovsky are an electro-pop duo that started in Tel Aviv, and are now living and touring here in the USA.
These two have worked with a major label with their first album, then decided to do everything themselves because of that.
Interview Highlights
- What it’s like to be on the road for a year.
- Why they left their record label and wanted to do it themselves.
- Why a ‘ton of money being poured into you’ means nothing
They close with some powerfully inspirational messages to all artists that you have to check out.
NOTE: Apologies for some of the choppy video and audio. This was the very first one recorded(thanks Sagit and Ariel!), y’all stick with me while we figure this out.
BONUS: It occasionally sounds a bit like poltergeist 🙂